First, read the introduction to the terms used
when discussing HTML, as well as the basics principles behind writing
it. And for a quick overview of what a document looks like, see the
example document
with notes on structure. |
A common element in an HTML document is the HTML list. There are actually three types
of lists: unordered lists, ordered lists, and definition lists.
The last one is somewhat different, as it uses a slightly different
syntax. |
By using HTML forms, a visitor can
be allowed to perform searches, request more information or otherwise
upload information to the server. |
Preformatted text takes away some of the
flexibility in HTML, but offers some additional advantages which make
it useful for presenting text in which the layout is critical. |
The document head is just as important
as its body, even though it contains no text. It allows you to provide
information about the document itself. This is especially important for
search engines and indexing robots. |
Tables are a powerful method to
lay out data, or even your entire document if you are careful. |
Imagemaps are visually pleasing methods of navigating a site, but
the normal server-side maps have several disadvantages.
Client-side imagemaps are new
in Wilbur (HTML 3.2). They are embedded in
an HTML document, and so avoid these problems. |
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Copyright © 1996 Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet.